Zigeunermelodien, op. 55 = Gypsy songs / Antonín Dvořák (12:08) --
13 folksongs (selections). Sprig of thyme (2:33) ; Died for love (1:11) ; British waterside or The jolly sailor (1:47) ; Pretty maid milkin' her cow (1:17) / Percy Grainger --
12 visor = 12 songs (selections). Akvarell = Watercolour (:53) ; Kistemålaren = Box painter (:44) ; Flickan med kyrkoten = Girl with the divining herb (1:29) / Lars-Erik Larsson ; text, Emil Hagström --
Hjärterovet = Heart's prey. Visa från Lappland = Song from Lapland / Gunnar Hahn ; text, Bo Setterlind (1:12) --
Venezia = Songs in Venetian dialect (selections). Sopra l'aqua indormenzada = On the drowsy waters (3:52) ; La barcheta = Little boat (3:03) ; L'avertimento = Warning (1:52) ; La biondina in gondoleta = Fair maid in the gondola (4:21) ; Che pecà! = What a shame (2:29) / Renaldo Hahn ; texts, Pietro Pagello, Antonio Lamberti, Francesco Dall'Ongaro --
Magyar népzene = Hungarian folk music. Apró alma lehullott a sárba = Little apple fell into the mud (:43) ; Vasárnap bort inni = Drinking wine on Sunday (1:15) ; Ifjúság mint sólyommadár = Youth is like a falcon (2:13) ; Ne búsuljon sënki mënyecskéje = Let no-one's bride bewail (:49) ; Szőlőhegyen keresztül = All through the vineyard (:52) ; Hej, amohi hegy borának = Hey the price of wine from Mohovce Hill (2:11) ; A csitári hëgyek alatt = Beneath the Csitár Hills (3:24) / Zoltán Kodály --
French folksongs (arrangements) / Benjamin Britten (20:19).