Soft physics / Blue Delliquanti --
Cabbage Island / Cindy Powers, Mulele Jarvis --
M.S.P.I.P.S.P. / Kay Rossbach --
Lia / Alexxander Dovelin Passing through / Jamie Kaye, Sunny --
Ignition / Iris Jay, Skolli Rubedo --
Brilliant + handsome / CB Webb --
Space to grow / NN Chan --
Failsafe / Rachel Ordway --
Finders keepers / Ahueonao --
Prodigal sunset / James F. Wright, Little Corvus --
Story of a rescue / Nathaniel Wilson --
Words from the dead / Jonathon Dalton --
Solitary / David Andry, Paul Schultz --
Granddad's second wife / Cheez Hayama, Earl T. Roske --
The senior project / Maia Kobabe --
My stars and garters / Ainsley Seago --