"A Life-Threatening Experience"
"In Sickness and in Health"
"A Victory Sweeter Than Kisses"
"An Inspirational 'Lift'"
"Breaking Through Enemy Lines"
"Pitching, Defense, and a Spectacular Three-Run Homer"
"You Don't Catch the Roadrunner"
"A Safety Sets off a Mile-High Avalance"
Sacking Next Year's Champions"
"An MVP on Either Side of the Ball"
"Changing the Course of History"
"A Gap-Toothed Force Covers All Holes"
"The Southpaw Six-Shooter"
"Helicopter Ride to Victory"
"Isaac Leads them to the Promised Land"
"A Chip Off the Ol' Block"
"A Colt Named Lassie Saves the Day"
"One Foot Equals Two Championships"
"Holmes Is Where The Heart Is"
"Hey, Isn't That John Candy?"