Introduction Let's write a new story together
Part I Rise of the AI tutor. Throwing away the bottle
How to teach everything to everyone
Part II Giving voice to the social sciences. Why students write
The future of reading comprehension, where literature comes alive!
Part III Empowering the next innovators. Using science to study science
1 + 1 = closing the math gap
Accessing courses that students otherwise would not
The most important subject-matter domain to master
Part IV Better together. Bolstering collaborative learning
AI meets student mental health coaching
The place for parents in AI-based education
Increasing points of connection between parents and their kids
Part V Keeping kids safe. Delivering the facts : the state of bias and misinformation
What about data collection?
AI and the gift of transparency
Part VI Teaching in the age of AI. How AI will supercharge teachers and teaching
Dawn of the AI teaching assistant
Helping build alternative education models
Fixing cheating in college
Part VII The global classroom. The global classroom
Economics of AI in education
Part VIII AI, assessments, and admissions. The future of K-12 assessments
The AI of college admissions
Part IX Work and what comes next. Employment in the AI world
How to prepare kids to thrive in the AI-future workplace
Matchmaking between job seekers and employers
Where this leaves us and where it will take us : a call for educated bravery.