Physician hurt, then heal thyself: Michael Moskowitz discovers that chronic pain can be unlearned
A man walks off his Parkinsonian symptoms: how excercise helps fend off degenerative disorders and can defer dementia
The stages of neuroplastic healing: how and why it works
Rewiring a brain with light: using light to reawaken dormant neural circuits
Moshe Feldenkrais: physicist, black belt and healer: healing serious brain problems through mental awareness of movement
A blind man learns to see: using Feldenkrais, Buddhist, and other neuroplastic methods
A device that resets the brain: stimulating neuromodulation to reverse symptoms. I. A cane agaist the wall ; II. Three resents: Parkinson's, stroke, Multiple Sclerosis ; III. The cracked Potters ; IV. How the brain balances itself- with a little help
A bridge of sound: the special connection between music and the brain. I. Dyslexic boy reverses his misfortune ; II. A mother's voice ; III. Rebuilding the brain from the bottom up: Autism, attention deficits, and sensory processing disorder ; IV. Solving the mystery at Abbey: how music raises our spirits and energy
Appendix 1: A general approach to TBI and brain problems
Appendix 2: Matrix repatterning for TBI
Appendix 3: Neurofeedback for ADD, ADHD, Epilepsy, Anxiety, and TBI.