The twelve dancing princesses - The Princess Mayblossom / from Mme d'Aulnoy - Soria Moria Castle / from P.C. AsbjØrnsen - The death of Koshchei the Deathless / from Ralston - The black thief and Knight of the glen / from The Hibernian Tales - The master thief / from P.C. AsbjØrnsen - Brother and sister / from Grimm - Princess Rosette / from Mme d'Aulnoy - The enchanted pig / from Mike Kremnitz - The Norka / from Mite Kremnitz - The wonderful birch - Jack and the beanstalk - The little good mouse / from Mme d'Aulnoy - Graciosa and Percinet / from Mme d'Aulnoy - The three princesses of Whiteland / from J. Moe - The voice of death / from Mite Kremnitz - The six sillies / from M. Lemoine - Kari Woodengown / from P.C. AsbjØrnsen - Drakestail / from Charles Marelles - The true history of Little Golden Hood / from Charles Marelles - The golden branch / from Mme d'Aulnoy - The three dwarfs / from Grimm - Dapplegrim / from J. Moe - The enchanted canary / from Charles Deulin - The twelve brothers / from Grimm - Rapunzel / from Grimm - The nettle spinner / from Charles Deulin - Farmer Weatherbeard / from P.C. AsbjØrnsen - Mother Holle / from Grimm - Minnikin / from J. Moe - Bushy bride / from J. Moe - Snowdrop / from Grimm - The golden goose / from Grimm - The seven foals / from J. Moe - The marvellous musician / from Grimm - The story of Sigurd / from the Volsunga Saga.