Looking around for God every day
Poem: sunrise flight into Chicago
Finding lifes lessons in the death notices
Embracing the everyday holiness
Poem: of corporations and communion
Where are you spending eternity
Poem: questions for a seventeen-year cicada
Poem: something like a prayer
Prayer for a country preacher (with poem)
Poem: on paying attention
Unexpected communion (with poem)
What about those close calls?
Finding Bible stories at the movies
Looking unconventionally at the church
Preach the whole story (and treat me like a grown-up)
Its time to give those miracle stories a rest
Poem: at the autism conference
Poem: television and the church
Sex and the search for God
Poem: on hearing the Ukrainian children sing in church
Getting the government out of the church's business
Just how really accommodating are churches?
Poem: living with the body
My top five theological questions.