Introduction: The invisible behemoth on Main Street
My father's grocery store Jones
How the A&P changed the western world
The visionary Cleveland grocer and the one-stop shop
"Nea, I think I want to move to Cleveland
I think I want to work for these grocers"
How to save a locomotive that has jumped the rails
Part II: How to think about food
She bought the fat-free half-and-half
Breakfast: the most dangerous meal of the day
The nefarious practices of the modern-day grocer
Part III: The center aisles
A few of the twenty thousand new products for your consideration
Better living through organic turmeric, ashwagandha extract, and hemp seed milk
A walk in the medicine cabinet
The farmer who can't find his animals
Thirty-two thousand pounds of carrots, every week
"Nobody knows how to cook
Part V: Where we are headed
America's culinary heritage