From the Book - First edition.
The Sun : a solar sunnet, er, sonnet
The Sun did not go down today
Shooting stars : Perseid meteor shower (poem for three meteors)
Meteorite : chaos in Chelyabinsk February 15, 2013
Mercury : given to extremes
Venus (come live with me and be my lunch)
Earth : your mother I'll be
The Moons of Mars : fear and terror! (poem for two small moons)
Jupiter : I'm Jupiter the giant
Saturn : and the winner for best wardrobe is...
Uranus : the planet behind the blue-green mask
Neptune : the lonesome, on-my-own-some Neptune blues
The moons of Neptune : roses are red, Neptune is blue
Pluto and Charon : dancing with the stars (poem for a dwarf planet and its moons)
Twinkle, twinkle little man
Going the distance : (rap for two voices)
Solar eclipse : (poem for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
Lunar eclipse : (poem for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
A Sputnik moment : first artificial satellite October 4, 1957 (poem for two scientists)
Ivan Ivanovich : mannequin cosmonaut March 1961
The children of astronomy
For those who light the candle : for the astronauts and cosmonauts who have given their lives to travel into space
The rusty rockets retirement garden : Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida (poem for four aging rockets)
The day the universe exploded my head : (poem for one human, one heart, and one brain)
Glossary of selected space terms