Introduction: The destructiveness of mass layoffs
White working-class blues: who is the white working class and why are the Democrats abandoning them?
Mingo capitalism: how Wall Street destroyed jobs in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and how that cratered support for the democrats
White working class woke? Increasing liberalism on divisive social issues
Are you a reactionary populist? How social attitudes of the white working class are similar to those of other classes and ethnic groups
The use and abuse of populism: the mischaracterization of white working-class politics
Before greed was good: the unwinding of post-World War II working-class prosperity
After greed was good: how Wall Street looting normalized mass layoffs
Halting mass layoffs: a bridge too far for democrats? How Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders refused to intervene
There is another way: how a major capitalist democracy avoids mass layoffs
TINA's last dance? Facing the fatalism of mass layoff capitalism
Isn't automation the problem?
Toward a progressive populism: policies to halt mass layoffs
Postscript: A challenge to Oberlin College.