From the Book - First edition.
Introduction: Homegirls / Veronica Chambers
Michelle in high cotton / Benilde Little
Crushing on Michelle : or the unapologetic power of blackness / Damon Young
The composer and the brain : a conversation about music, marriage, power, creativity, partnership ... and the Obamas / Alicia Hall Moran and Jason Moran
Lady O and King Bey / Brittney Cooper
We go way back / Ylonda Gault Caviness
Two black first ladies walk into a room / Chirlane McCray
Becoming the wife / Cathi Hanauer
On being flawlessly imperfect / Tiffany Dufu
She slays: Michelle Obama & the power of dressing like you mean it / Tanisha C. Ford
Cooking with a narrative / Marcus Samuelsson
Michelle Obama: representational justice / Sarah Lewis
The freedom to be yourself / Karen Hill Anton
She loves herself when she is laughing : Michelle Obama, taking down a stereotype and co-creating a presidency / Rebecca Carroll
The best of wives and best of women / Phillipa Soo
Making space / Roxane Gay.