From the Book - First edition.
Affiliation and recognition. What a society isn't (and what it is) ; What vertebrates get out of being in a society ; On the move ; Individual recognition
Anonymous societies. Ants and humans, apples and oranges ; The ultimate nationalists ; Anonymous humans
Hunter-gatherers until recent times. Band societies ; The nomadic life ; Settling down
The deep history of human anonymous societies. Pant hoots and passwords ; Sensing others ; Stereotypes and stories ; The great chain ; Grand unions ; Putting kin in their place
Peace and conflict. Is conflict necessary? ; Playing well with others
The life and death of societies. The lifecycle of societies ; The dynamic "us" ; Inventing foreigners and the death of societies
Tribes to nations. Turning a village into a conquering society ; Building and breaking a nation
From captive to global citizen? The rise of ethnicities ; Divided we stand ; The inevitability of societies
Conclusion: identities shift and societies shatter