The Blackberry Panic of 2008. Paulson's folly : the needless rescue of AIG and Wall Street ; False legends of dark ATMs and failing banks ; Days of crony capitalist plunder
The Reagan era revisited : false narratives of our times. The Reagan revolution : repudiations and deformations ; Triumph of the warfare state : how the budget battle was lost ; Triumph of the welfare state : how the GOP anti-tax religion was born ; Why the chickens didn't come home to roost : the Nixon abomination of August 1971
New Deal legends and the twilight of sound money. New Deal myths of recovery ; The New Deal's true legacy : crony capitalism and fiscal demise ; War finance and the twilight of sound money ; Eisenhower's defense minimum and the last age of fiscal rectitude ; The American empire and the end of sound money ; Milton Friedman's folly : rise of the t-bill standard
The age of bubble finance. Pork bellies, floating money, and the rise of speculative finance ; Greenspan 2.0 ; Bull market culture and the delusion of quick riches ; Serial bubbles ; The great deformation of capital markets : how Wall Street got huge ; From Washington to Wall Street : roots of the great housing deformation ; How the Fed brought the gambling mania to America's neighborhoods ; The great financial engineering binge ; The great raid on corporate cash ; The rant that shook the Eccles Building : how the Fed got Cramer'd ; When giant LBOs strip-mined the land ; Deals gone wild : rise of the debt zombies ; Bonfires of debt and the road not taken
Sundown in America : the end of free markets and democracy. Willard M. Romney and the Truman show of bubble finance ; Bonfires of folly : Bernanke's false depression call and the $800 billion Obama stimulus ; Obama's green energy capers : crony capitalist larceny ; The end of free markets : the rampages of crony capitalism in the auto belt ; No recovery on Main Street ; The Bernanke bubble : last gift to the 1 percent ; Sundown in America : the state-wreck ahead ; Another road that could be taken.